Monday, 8 September 2008

Mandurah times.

I Worked in Mandurah on monday so i decided to go to the pub afterwards for some monday afternoon beers
Yuta Was in attendance.
As was the Raurke
And of course, The one, The only, Lee Fucking Johnson
Raurke showed off his new ink, Neck tattoos are on another level
and heres the infamous tattoo, you all know what im talking about.
Compliments to the brighton for serving our drinks in chipped glasses.
Lee getting his skull on

After a beer or two it was time for food, Jewie and Raurke got pizza
Whilst Lee and I got wedges
After food and possibly another beer Yuta found a machine in the mens room, it sold these,
and this,
So naturally it had to be tested
unfortunately for us, we were almost the only people in the pub,
mmmm tasty,
Lee got his dance on,
and it was time to head off,
with one last visit to the Raurkes house,
Good times,

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